Public Relations & Media Training

Companies don’t just get great media coverage and visibility.

They have to work for it.

However, if you are busy – launching a company, raising funds, bringing a product or service to market, winning new business, providing great customer experiences, attracting and keeping top talent, and/or growing your business – PR and marketing may not be front and center.

But public relations and marketing are critical to your business success. Just think about what’s at stake.

The iPhone might not exist today had it not been for Steve Jobs’ PR and marketing genius.

Still, perhaps you find PR and marketing overwhelming, and you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you have internal resources to support public relations and marketing, but you’re finding it challenging, sometimes even exhausting, to do everything that you must do to put your business in the spotlight and ensure your brand remains top of mind with your target audience.

In either case, Bospar can move your business forward through the power of Politely Pushy® PR.

Are you an AI or data startup raising funds?
You can bank on Bospar to increase your visibility.

Are you rolling out a new cybersecurity solution?
Bospar will alert media and secure coverage.

Are you working to scale your B2C, HRtech or traveltech business?
Bospar will help you grow.

Are you keen to attract investors, partners, top talent, analyst attention?
Bospar is your magnet.

Are you trying to expand your business to the U.S. market?
Bospar is ready to fly your flag.

Whatever your external or internal communications needs or your business sector, Bospar PR has the energy, expertise, PR prowess and Politely Pushy® approach to empower you to connect with and get best results from media, investors, employees, ecosystem partners and customers.

The iPhone might not exist today had it not been for Steve Jobs’ PR and marketing genius.

Bospar’s team of Politely Pushy® PR experts will:

  • secure interviews with media and analysts – so they can help spread the good news
  • make digital content creation easy – so you don’t have to dot the i’s and cross the t’s
  • drive employee engagement and change – so your talent is informed and sticks with you
  • support you with crisis and reputation management – so you are protected rain or shine
  • deliver top-tier media placement with dream headlines – so you wake up with a smile
Looking at Bospar

The public relations team at Bospar will also make your business stronger by:

  • helping you with investor relations – so you are right on the money every time
  • providing media training – so your spokespeople are ready for their closeup
  • plugging you into speaking opportunities – so you always stay in front of your audience
  • promoting your events – so you can increase media and audience attendance
  • assisting you to identify and apply for awards – to highlight how truly awesome you are

Many public relations campaigns work to increase a company’s profile by sharing funding news, supporting product launches, highlighting customer wins, and discussing innovative technology.

And all of the above is most certainly achievable for you with the right public relations agency.

But to break out from the crowd, your business will need to bring something extra to the table, and that something extra must go beyond talking about your company and its great solutions.

As your public relations agency, we will work with you to find and amplify your something extra.

That may involve engaging with an influencer to attract attention and generate news. Bospar took this approach in our PR work with Healthline. We secured the participation of Dr. Anthony Fauci for the healthcare client’s town hall. The PR campaign for the town hall alone generated 12 million impressions and more than 150 earned media news stories for the client.

It could entail tapping into hot trends with clever pitches to drive reporter interest and coverage. This is how the PR team at Bospar got AI-based drug discovery solution provider Standigm coverage in Nature and many of other tier-one business and vertical media outlets.

Your something extra might be to leverage internal data to educate media and the market or sharing insights about big news such as supply chain shortages. That’s what Bospar does as part of our multi-layered PR program for our supply chain intelligence client Supplyframe.

However, if you don’t have data, your something extra might be original research. Bospar collaborates with many clients to build surveys that provide unique, surprising data. Such data can elicit emotion and interest, taking media on a journey that leads to your value proposition.

A successful PR campaign may involve looking back while moving forward – and bringing your B2B story to the masses. Bospar took this approach with cloud communications platform company Infobip, building a successful PR campaign around the 30th anniversary of the text and working with Jimmy Kimmel Live to create a segment tracing the evolution of texting.

Or maybe it’s time for you to think out of the box – or maybe even flip the script and step into the box – so that people get a real handle on your company’s value. This is the approach Bospar took to garner some incredible media coverage for NFT platform company Neon when it installed a vending machine that sold NFTs in Times Square to make the intangible tangible.

Bospar has a wealth of client success stories, and we are ready to make you one of them.

Building a successful, consistent PR and marketing machine isn’t easy. But we have the tools.

And we’re ready to put Bospar’s Politely Pushy® approach to PR to work for you.

Building a successful, consistent PR and marketing machine isn’t easy. But we have the tools.

Media Training

Whether your spokesperson is media-savvy, a bit rusty or a first-timer, media training will deliver the spit, prep and polish to nail media interviews.

Cue Bospar’s experts: a former TV producer, on-air reporter and professional media trainer. After several hours of intensive work with our experts, your message will be crisp, and you’ll skillfully answer the questions you want, steering clear of those you don’t. We even address what others miss: ways to build rapport and trust, managing different personalities, “bridging” the conversation, and tips about lighting, location and how to be your personal best.

Public Relations & Media Training

What we offer

  • Analysts

  • Media
  • Customers and Partners
  • Investors
  • Influencers
  • Bloggers
  • Executive Visibility
  • Newsjacking
  • SEO Backlinking
  • Conferences + Events
  • Custom Research
  • Data-centric Pitching
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Media Training
  • Presentation Training
  • KPI Reporting
  • Awards
  • Trade Show Support
  • Crisis Management
  • Reputation Management
  • Public Affairs
  • Global Agency Management


Case Studies

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