Today’s guest is Lisa Bankston, an award-winning global strategist who works with companies to market products so that the messaging around them fits into cultural norms. This means she may modify imagery and branding, provide translation services, source vendors and materials, and all other things that help to create the marketing and market expansion plan for products in respective international markets. Lisa discusses how other countries’ tastes may be different than ours – quite literally giving the example of certain cookies being too sweet for Japanese taste buds. She will have you questioning the American palate and the whole way of marketing a company that translates to the English-speaking American audience but does not necessarily land overseas! Lisa also has a math mind and a way of making anything related to finance much more intriguing due to her experience as a banking intern. Do you want to learn some surprising things about international consumers you never knew? Tune in to this special episode.
When companies want to brag, sometimes it’s all about the bag: Global Strategist Lisa Bankston

December 1, 2022