The Halloween Cats of Bospar

October 31, 2017

If there is one icon that best says “Halloween” – it is the cat. And always a black cat. Its folklore is entwined with witches and goblins and bad luck – except in places like the British Isles where it’s a symbol of good luck.

Bospar is proud of the cats in our family, and not just at Halloween. Ours come in an assortment of colors and mixtures, with actually not even one pure black one in the mix. And also in an assortment of skills, preferences and temperaments, just like their PR colleagues. But they have something important in common – they are Bospartans one and all. They each play an important role in delivering great results to our clients through the devotion and inspiration they provide those of us fortunate enough to live with them.

For as anyone with cats knows – they have more magical powers than any witch or goblin – and all of them of the very good kinds.

Featured above are Cognac, front, and Cosmo, rear – otherwise known as “Cognac and his sidekick Cosmo.” They are the only identical twins in our Bospar family. Close friends and partners in crime since birth, they exemplify the spirit of mischief and teamwork we all share. Like all Bospartans, they take pride in being just a bit different than the norm. In this case, they have no tails. Which comes from being a Manx.

Our other dynamic cat duo is Ollie (pictured above) and Annie. Ollie is a consummate PR pro. He is proficient and prolific in his daily work routines, but always manages to stay relaxed and is meticulous about his looks. He’s often glued to a keyboard and he never misses a Zoom video conference call.

What can we say about Annie that you can’t tell from her beauty shot? Annie is a real “PR Star”. She’s continually building her PR Persona. She has a spunky attitude and is a real go-getter. Our Bospar mantra is “Turn on the Power” — and no one does that better than Annie.

With Sophie, what you see is what you get. Her intelligence and empathy – two excellent PR qualities – shine through. Look into her eyes and you want to tell her every bit of your story. And she really does care.

We have a PR expression – “perception is reality”. When it comes to giving the impression of being a wise counselor – Weezy is in a class of her own. Who wouldn’t trust this cat?

Weezy always puts in a hard day’s work. But when it’s over – she’s just like any other PR pro by day and sports fan by night. She likes mixing a good game with a good nap.

Cognac and Cosmo are hard working PR cats as well. They are digitally active, but when it comes to reviewing documents, they prefer good old hard copy.

Cosmo’s a sprinter – always trying to get one more task done before dinner and treats. He’ll be awake and prowling the house later on. But – ‘round about midnight – he and his brother zonk out and it’s a solid “tail stubs up” for both of them.

Happy Holiday from The Halloween Cats of Bospar!

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About the author

Chris is a Principal and Co-Founder of Bospar. Chris spent the first third of her career working with packaged goods giants like Procter & Gamble, Oscar Mayer, Kraft, Johnson & Johnson, Mattel and Levi Strauss, in senior management positions at Edelman and Burson-Marsteller, before starting her own firm in the mid-90s. Her personal trademark has been to bring global brand sophistication and ultimate consumer pull-through to B2B and B2C clients alike.

