Clever, data-driven PR strategy lands fraud prevention company a spot on FOX 

Abrigo is a leader in risk management and fraud prevention, offering cutting-edge AI-powered fraud detection software. This is the right solution at the right time, given that sophisticated scams like deepfake forgeries and cryptocurrency-related schemes are on the rise – and estimates suggest financial fraud costs financial institutions more than $1.3 billion annually.


However, during the busy holiday shopping season and peak cryptocurrency interest, the client faced a crowded and competitive news cycle. To gain the media coverage and related market awareness it desired, the company needed to position its software as the clear and ultimate solution for community banks and credit unions, while demonstrating its relevance to real-world threats.

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Bospar recognized an opportunity to tie the clients’ expertise to trending topics dominating the news. We implemented a multifaceted PR strategy to inject the client’s message into the national conversation, leveraging breaking news, compelling data and targeted outreach.
Our public relations strategy included leveraging timely news hooks. With the cryptocurrency market hitting new highs, Bospar connected the client’s fraud detection software to this trend.

That included highlighting dramatic real-world cases, such as the $6.09 million Gigachad phishing scam, to showcase the urgent need for innovative fraud prevention solutions. Our media outreach efforts also emphasized the staggering $5.6 billion lost to cryptocurrency scams in the past year, positioning the client’s software as a crucial tool for protecting financial institutions.

Our pitches to reporters and editors incorporated other data as well. We referenced a fraud report revealing 45% of Americans have been victims of financial fraud, with a quarter losing more than $5,000. This data made the client’s solution even more compelling to reporters.
Bospar’s approach to the media blitz was both local and national. We identified and reached out to the most relevant national outlets to secure widespread reach while simultaneously focusing on local publications to engage decision-makers at banks and credit unions.
Our tuned-in team of public relations professionals crafted messaging that spotlighted the tangible benefits financial institutions could achieve by adopting the client’s software.

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Campaign Results

37 Pieces of Coverage
72 million+ UVM


The campaign cemented the client’s reputation as a leading provider of fraud prevention solutions, ensuring their voice was heard during a peak fraud season. Media results included a digital segment by Eben Brown on FOX News. The FOX coverage alone drove 65 new LinkedIn followers, expanding the client’s visibility among key stakeholders.

Campaign Results
Pieces of coverage: 37 pieces of coverage secured in 48 hours
UVM: 72 million+

What really made this campaign stand out was Bospar’s ability to combine creativity, speed and strategic focus. By tying the client’s solutions to timely news hooks and leveraging compelling data, we ensured the campaign was both relevant and impactful. Our targeted media outreach maximized visibility and created a lasting impression across national and local platforms.

“Bospar's strategic counsel put us on the path to fantastic coverage that reaches our target audience. The Bospar team's stellar relationships and guidance allowed us to quickly expand our visibility in the media and with key business decision-makers who matter to our company. The team’s ability to highlight our fraud detection software by leveraging current events demonstrated the business acumen we need to connect with technology-purchasing decision-makers at financial institutions.”

— Laura Broderick, Chief Marketing Officer at Abrigo

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About the author

Nick Yacenko is an Account Supervisor at Bospar. His experience has brought him to different walks of the public relations industry, from B2B technology such as HR Tech, APIs, cyber security, web3, AI and SaaS to consumer products, lifestyle, travel, and celebrities. His experience includes publicizing pink pineapples, dartboards, waterparks, ski resorts, and top actors, athletes and artists. He has also honed his craft in analyst relations, securing countless client briefings. Nick earned his bachelor’s in Communications and his master’s in Communications and Media from Rutgers University. He resides in Northern New Jersey with his fiance and their two kittens, Mango and Simon.

