Thanksgiving is an official day to stop and count our blessings. But we Bospartans have a way of being thankful for the important things in life just about every day.
We give thanks for our clients and for achieving great results. They deserve greatness – and we believe we help them get it.
We take immense pride in seeing something our clients offer make a major impact on the lives of people and the companies for whom they work. There are so many amazing technologies entering peoples’ lives, and we give thanks for being in the middle of so many of them.
Perhaps our biggest and most heartfelt thanks is for – and to – each and every member of our Bospar family.
While our 30+ Bospartans are united primarily by shared purpose in helping our clients achieve their fullest potential, our extended family of 70+ Bospartans, including significant others, children and grandchildren, is interwoven by the precious threads of lives being well lived.
We’re thankful to have shared many of our Bospartans’ most meaningful moments as they came rolling out in one wave after another.
- Two children were born, swelling the ranks of our Bospar children to more than a dozen. And several more 2020 babies were “put into motion.”
- Likewise, two grandchildren were born, one to a first-time grandpa and the other to a seasoned grandma of three.
- Two children graduated from high school, and one graduated from kindergarten.
- More than half a dozen pets took center stage in their new homes.
- Two engagements were announced, and two beautiful weddings took place.
- And more than five of our people bought their first home, providing the foundation for many more wonderful life happenings to come.
We give major thanks that as we prepare to complete our fifth year of business, almost everyone who has joined us during this time is still with us, helping us to grow bigger and better every year.
We give special thanks to the many people we affectionately call “serial clients,” professional colleagues who are also true friends. Hopefully we will always partner with them as we go through life in the most exciting and rewarding space we can imagine.
Bless this house of work and of life and of all it demands of us and gives to us!
We are thankful for every one of you who have helped make this world of Bospar what it has become and can only imagine the wonderful things that the next five years will bring.