Bospar named a finalist in the PR firms and marketing agency category of Fast Company’s 2024 World Changing Ideas Awards

SAN FRANCISCO — May 14, 2024 — Bospar, the “politely pushy” PR and marketing firm that puts health and tech companies on the map, has been selected as a finalist in the PR firms and marketing agencies category as part of Fast Company’s 2024 World Changing Ideas Awards, for its Club Courage campaign. 

In June 2023, Bospar organized and hosted Club Courage, the first-ever LGBTQIA+ event at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. This event gave visibility to a group often unrepresented at significant industry events, even in the advertising, PR and marketing industries.  

The campaign, which celebrated brands’ support of the LGBTQIA+ community, was kickstarted by the launch of Bospar’s Corporate Courage Index. This comprehensive survey, conducted among over 5,000 adult consumers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, provided valuable insights into public perceptions and attitudes towards LGBTQIA+ inclusivity in corporate branding.

Fast Company recognized Bospar as one of seven PR firms and marketing agencies that make messaging meaningful

“We took a page from our tech and healthcare playlist to create a program we knew would be impactful,” said Bospar co-founder and principal Curtis Sparrer. “We are grateful to be recognized for our ability to find creative and bold solutions that call attention to our clients and causes – both of which inspire us daily.”

This year’s World Changing Ideas Awards showcase 50 winners, 127 finalists and 172 honorable mentions — with health, education, energy and AI among the most popular categories. A panel of Fast Company editors and reporters selected winners from more than 1,300 entries across climate, social justice, wellness, politics, technology, corporate social responsibility and more. The 2024 awards feature entries from across the globe, including the Republic of Korea, Brazil and Madagascar.

“I was struck this year by the global sweep of the honorees,” says Fast Company editor-in-chief Brendan Vaughan. “It’s endlessly inspiring to see how the world is coming together to devise inventive solutions to our most challenging problems. We need ideas from everywhere, and this year’s World Changing Ideas Awards are an extraordinary encapsulation of the innovation and creativity that is so abundant around the globe.”

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About Bospar

Bospar is the award-winning “politely pushy” tech and health public relations and marketing agency. The firm, which launched in 2015, provides clients with national support thanks to its distributed agency model. Bospar’s staff includes marketing and PR experts and veteran journalists from top-tier tech and business media. The agency’s strategic and creative thinkers excel in earned and social media, analyst and investor relations, content creation and placement, and public affairs. Leaders from brands – including Alkermes, Standigm, Marqeta, Snowflake and Unisys – trust Bospar to drive category leadership for disruptive technologies and solutions.

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