The Recipe for PR Success

Recipe for PR Success
December 21, 2017

Recipe for PR Success Over the last seven years working on the agency side of public relations, I’ve experienced many client comings and goings.

As a result, I’ve learned a thing or two about what goes into a successful PR program. Here are some fundamental elements.

Clear expectations

A common understanding of public relations and clearly defined expectations are critical to a successful PR program—not only with the direct client contact but also with everyone in the organization who has a stake in the program. Everyone involved should have a clear sense of how it works and expectations.

Daily communication and transparency

All parties on both sides of the PR equation should be in good and regular contact about all tasks on hand. This helps everyone rest easy at night knowing that all components of the program are moving forward.

Planning ahead

Having the time to execute a product launch or funding announcement or publicize customer news or company changes with ample time for planning ahead ensures that both sides—the PR agency and client—are maximally successful in their efforts.

I find working with clients to plan on a quarterly basis is most effective.

Flexibility in timelines and consideration for the news cycle

While planning is key, so is flexibility.

As we know, we can’t predict the news, so being willing to adapt with the news cycle is key to maximizing exposure.

Access to company spokespeople

There’s nothing more defeating than missing a reporter’s deadline for a coverage opportunity due to unresponsiveness, lack of availability or not having content to share with media to drive the next story forward.

Reliable access to company spokespeople—including the CEO or another C-level executive—is extremely helpful to the success of any PR program.

Support of creative thinking

Today there are so many tech companies fighting to rise up the ranks and join the likes of Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook—it’s competitive! Allowing your communications strategy to get creative is a way to break through the noise.

Investing in the relationship

Lastly, none of the above would be possible if it weren’t for the leading ingredient: relationships.

Building relationships with your clients and all key stakeholders in the company you’re representing, as well as with the media in your client’s industry, is the ultimate factor to driving success. Good relationships are the “salt” in your recipe for PR success.

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